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Showing posts from March, 2007

ye dil maange more......

As the placement season in the most exalted b-schools in India (the IIMs) starts and reaches its full frenzy within a short span of hours, the aspirations and determination of all management aspirants reaches an all time high, with the fattest ever pay package laid in the platter. This is the time of the year when we get to view a glitzy spectacle which proves two things : firstly, the paradigm shift that India has experienced and how we have moved towards a veiw point which evaluates a management gradute solely on the basis of how much was salary package he/she was able to grab in the placements; secondly, our sheer passion and single point agenda of living a salaried life. The way I look at both of these, there seems to a paradox to me. Now since we live in a country of paradoxes, I have been tempted a number of times to ignore this, and follow the chalta hai law. However, now as I face the quarter life crisis and am in the process of confronting a number of issues and comming i

Myth called Risk

I dealt with this myth of it being risky working with startups just yesterday while attempting to hire a Brand Manager for a start up ofcourse. During the process, I felt there was a need to talk about it on a larger forum. Working with startups is almost no risk to begin with if it is post initial funding stage (entrepreneur might not hire a large team before that anyways). And if salary for over six months looks safe, its no worse than a job with big well established firm. What startups offer beyond salary can not be compared with any other opportunity. 1. One gets to work right under the creators or at arms length & the speed of work can put a formula one racer to feel humbled. Both speed and multitasking can give one an unparallel high. 2. Almost always one is in thick of things, doing, trying, missing, trying, doing, doing right, doing more. So when you're hired as Brand Manager, you'll never do less than that. Well you might double up for pantry manager is another t

TiE Mumbai

For beginners, TiE can be a great network to get instant access and mentoring into the world of entrepreneurship. Mumbai chapter is pretty agrresive in frequency of events and active support system. Associate membership can be gained at nominal cost & can work well for aspiring enterpreneurs. One can find more info on

New Valley West

I was with an entrepreneur yesterday, when during various talks he mentioned how so many ventures seem to be under attempt right here in Mumbai. That Mumbai seems to be the new Valley was the outcome of the talk. Bloody romantic though, Mumbai - the New Valley. I added West to it (West coast we are indeed at Mumbai). So here's New Valley West - the city of dreams it had always been, its also now a city of different dreams, entrepreneurial dreams. Its got all from entrepreneurs, to professionals, to support system, to academia, to investors, to access, to the spirit. Lets put together what it takes for anyone to take off......